Billy inkslinger
Billy inkslinger

I have been clean since Januand am a single mother of a beautiful 14 month old little boy named Brady. Thankfully I was unsuccessful at my suicide attempt and got the real help that I needed. I started shooting heroin when I met my son’s father in 2011 and was a daily user up until Januwhen I intentionally overdosed as a suicide attempt as a result of post traumatic stress disorder from being severely physically, mentally, and emotionally abused throughout a four year relationship with my son’s father and then being raped last September when I was “working the streets” to support my habit. I am a 35-year old recovering heroin addict with almost eight months clean. I got your pamphlet along with your business card from my counselor Mystala Broughton at Wilmington Family Counseling Service, Inc. I talked to John today and before we hung up he said “Pay it Forward Shannon as I will do every day for the rest of my life.” We all love you and stand behind you on what you do every day. I probably would have been burying another family member, but thanks to you he has a second chance in life.īilly Inkslinger has set his life and goals to save others and he is doing it every day. I don’t know what we would have done without your help. After the aftercare program, he has already asked about sober living. John said that he will stay as long as they will let him. John is heading to aftercare today Decemwhich he chose to do himself. I was so thankful and I am so thankful for his help today.

billy inkslinger

Johns said when he gets some sober time under his belt he would love to shadow Billy and help others like himself. The day after, John called me to tell me that he was doing great and he was very happy where he was and for me to thank Billy for saving his life and that inspired me tremendously. He stayed with us many hours until we left to bring John to treatment. We got the call a bed at a great facility was available due to Billy’s help. Billy sat with us discussing many things. John was inspired by Billy, a man with no judgment or hate for anyone. Billy sat with us and talked to my cousin. My habit has went out of control and I’m very down and depressed and it’s scaring me a lot.” So I called Billy and he met me at my cousin’s house within 5 minutes of the call. “Need help Shan, I’m throwing in the towel before I’m dead. On Monday, November 30, I received the message from my cousin. I see everyday the wonderful things that Billy Inkslinger does. I have been so afraid of that phone call that nobody wants. John started using heroin to numb the pain. His father committed suicide Maand him and his brother Kevin found him. He started with pills like so many others, and then his life was a world wind mess.

billy inkslinger

My cousin John 30 years old from Tewksbury, Ma has been an addict for 5 years. For those of you that don’t know my family’s heartache you will now. I just wanted to start by saying thank you for everything you do.

Billy inkslinger